Wednesday, April 13, 2016



Miracles Have Not Ceased

Greetings to my friends new and old.  In case you are a stranger who has chanced on my blog,   my name is Carmen Dolores (Blackham) Rindfleisch.  My first name, Carmen is Latin for "a song," and my middle name after my grandmother means "pain."  These definitions will have some significance in my coming entries. I am wife to Carl and mother to Carleigh (age 7) and to Carissa (age 5 this week).

I am also a daughter, a granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, friend, and a Stage IV colon cancer fighter.  These pictures were taken last month before my surgery at a Colon Cancer awareness "Undy Run" 5K.

I'm on hiatus from work now, but professionally I have been an educator, primarily in the online realm.  I was diagnosed on August 19th of last year.  It's been both a gut-wrenching and remarkable journey, and I am in the thick of it now as I'm in between 2 invasive colon and liver surgeries.  Up until now, I've dealt with my diagnosis primarily through escapism techniques. I was on a very aggressive Folfoxiri treatment for 5 months.  Although it knocked me down for 2-5 days, I was still left with 9-12 good days during a chemo cycle.  I filled those days with little trips, social hours with family and friends, singing, inane movies, and high impact exercise- anything to take my mind off my cancer diagnosis.  As I am now dealing with a consistent nagging post- surgery pain, my options for natural highs and busy-ness are limited, and I'm forced to sit down and face the reality of how my life has dramatically changed. I think that documenting my journey as much possible will help in the meditative and healing process. I hope this blog may have value for my personal history and posterity, and for anyone who may read, I hope to offer an honest, but optimistic perspective on fighting cancer and living life to the fullest.

The Book of Mormon prophet Moroni poses the question for those in contemporary times, "Have miracles ceased?"  He then answers by saying,  
"Behold I say unto you, Nay; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men."
I have named this blog "Miracles Have Not Ceased" because I truly believe that I have witnessed several miracles along my journey, which need to be documented before they are forgotten.  It also seems to merge the titles of some current Christian films, "God is Not Dead" and "Miracles from Heaven." I believe that the ability to recognize miracles is a daily meditative exercise.  If we have the eyes to see, the ordinary can become the extraordinary. 

As you follow me on my journey, I hope you will be able to see the miracles in your life! 
Let the fun begin, post by post.

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